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Question: Does The Order of the Phoenix begin like this!?
Dudley Demented - and a little about Harry sneaking around watched the news!? Cos' I have so many fake versions, I just want the real one, and I can't find it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!.!.!. Harry was lying in the flowerbed outside the window, trying to listen to the news!.!.!. Mr!. Dursley catches him!. Harry goes to the park, and sees Dudley's posse walking by!.!.!. Big D (or so he's called) starts walking home and Harry catches up with him!.!.!. to annoy him Harry pulls his wand!. Suddenly the sky gets dark and clammy!.!.!. Dud thinks Harry did it but it is actually dementors!. Harry summons a Patronus, thereby saving himself and his cousin!.!.!. the Ministry of Magic proceeds to (bleep) him over because of his underage magic use!. That's the beginning for you!.

Fake versions!? !.!.!. just go to your local Borders or Barnes and Noble!. Or buy it off Amazon!. You'll have a real version!.!.!. in fact, even better, go to the library!. You won't have to pay a dime!. (Might have to wait a while though)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kevin, by the way, totally only watched the movie!.

Yes, chapter one is called Dudley Demented and it begins with Harry lying underneath the window sill of number four Privet Drive, listening to the news!. There is a loud CRACK and Mr!. and Mrs!. Dursley find Harry laying outside, think he made the crack noise, try to strangle him, and then he leaves!. After watching Dudley torment some small children with his new friends, he and Harry walk home only to be confronted by two dementors and Harry saves Dudley, they go home, Mrs!. Dursley nearly has a heart attack!.

I really do suggest just buying the book, though!. It's totally worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, Harry wasn't necessarily sneaking, but that's the gist!. It was a super hot day and he was laying outside trying to hear if any Voldemort (aka weird) stuff got into the news!. Then Dudley was both stupid and got attacked by dementors, hence Dudley Demented, the chapter title!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds about right for the book!.

The movie begins with Harry on a playground swing, Dudley and his friends show up and start teasing him, a storm blows up; dementors come!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

If you want to make sure you have a "real" copy!.!.!.!.go to a local library or bookstore!. They have them there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it starts by talking about the draught and with harry hiding under the begonias under the window listenign to the news!. theres a water skiing budgi from barnsley featured haha (im from barnsley so i find it funny)

sounds like a real version to me


yeah that's how it begins!.!.!.the first sentence is: The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large square houses of Privet Drive!. hope this helps! : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

harry is at the park and dudley and his friends come and start teasing harry then a bad storm comes and they then run into a tunnel, dudley and harry!. Dudleys friends run off!. then dementors come and nearly kill them bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

Then the dementors try and like kiss his soul out, then he used an Expecto patronem or whatever then all the magic people get annoyed at him for using magic outside hogwarts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well give me ur email id I will give u the original versionWww@QuestionHome@Com