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Question: The book hatchet!?
I just reread hatchet and are there any pictures from his campsite the lake etc!? At the end of the book it says there are but i cant find any online!.!.!.!.!.And if there are could you post a linkWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Paulsen's site doesn't mention Brian except underneath all his book titles, when you follow the teensatrandom link provided at the bottom of the book!.
There is also a teacher link that goes to Hatchet eventually!.

Here I see the first book about Brian (there is another) was made into a 1990 movie called A Cry in the Wilderness!.

**Under 'External Links' there, at the end of that entry, you can follow a (blue) link to the A Cry in the Wilderness at the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), to find everything they have in pictures, facts or trivia regarding this movie from the book Hatchet!.**
Have fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here is the website of the Hatchet:
