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Question: AP 12th Lit Summer Reading!?
Our assignment is to read Grapes of Wrath and another novel of outstanding literary merit!. So my question is would Emma by Jane Austen be a good choice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These are some of the books that I read over the course of my AP lit class (maybe they'll help since I haven't read Emma):

All the King's Men by Robert Warren
Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky
The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
The ARt of Loving by Fromm
The Inferno by Dante
The Little Prince by St!. Exupery
The Stranger by Camus
The Orestia
Mourning becomes Electra by O'Neill
Aristotle's Ethics
The Great Dialogues of Plato
Oedipus Rex

I'm sure any of those listed would be good choices, since they're often options on one of the essays during the AP exam!. But I also think Emma would be fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd suggest reading a novel that you can apply to the free-response question!. Austen is a good writer, but she's been done to death, and her work may not be considered to be of literary merit!. During my AP class, I read the following:

The Awakening –Kate Chopin
The Metamorphosis –Franz Kafka
Invisible Man –Ellison
Oedipus Rex–Sophocles
A Midsummer Night’s Dream –Shakespeare
The Master and Margarita –Bulgakov
Catch-22 –Heller

Invisible Man is especially useful, and almost always suggested on the free-response question!. It is a long book, and many of my classmates hated it, but I enjoyed it—Ellison’s passages are particularly memorable, and you’ll be able to use them in your essay!. I also found Faulkner’s works particularly helpful, especially As I Lay Dying and Light in August!. The more styles and writers you are acquainted with, the better your chances of scoring well on the AP exam will be!.

Good luck with your class!. If you have a good teacher, the course will be challenging, but with the right background, the test will be relatively easy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just completed AP English Lit

Hears the books I read during the course
Crime and Punishment
One Who Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
Madame Bovary
The Kite Runner
A Prayer For Owen Meany
As I Lay Dying
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Things Fall Apart
Invisible Man
Oedipus Rex
A Doll's House
American Dream
The Zoo Story
Death of a Salesman

Hears some other works I read that helped me for the exam
Slaughter-House Five
Fahrenheit 451
Catch 22
The Brothers Karamazov
King Lear
Tess of the D'ubervilles
Brave New World

All these works are good for the AP test but I think Catch 22 or The Brothers Karamazov cover the most questions that can be thrown at you on the AP testWww@QuestionHome@Com

maybe!. i'm not sure that qualifies for "outstanding literary merit" though!. something of more depth like maybe wuthering heights, tess of the d'urbervilles, etc!. if you like the Romantic era in british lit and you haven't read wuthering heights you should do that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Pride & Prejudice instead, it's much better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tim O briens The Things They Carried

I studied it in English and American History!.Www@QuestionHome@Com