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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What countries on this Earth do you think most accurately represent George Orwel

Question: What countries on this Earth do you think most accurately represent George Orwell's "1984" society!?
I can think of three: Iran, Saudi Arabia, North KoreaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
North Korea!.!. definitely!. I agree with Iran and Saudi Arabia!.

Basically you want any country with a dictatorship and a totalitarian society!.
China fits in pretty well!.
Take into consideration Burma, Zimbabwe, Sudan, Syria, Uzbekistan, Libya!.
Syria, Uzbekistan and Libya are debatable though!. Hardly noteworthy in the league of most dictatorships, but still pretty nasty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Orwell's society also parallels that of the United States and Great Britain!. There are surveillance cameras everywhere, mail and telephone calls are monitored and people don't even realize that their very existence is being tracked day to day!. Everyone is writing these dictatorship countries but it isn't really like Oceania!. The people in Iran and North Korea know that their life sucks and that they're being cheated!. The people in Oceania, aside from Winston and Julia, think that their government is the best!. You're looking for a country that's been fooled into a false sense of security and that would be the United States!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

communist China maybe!? To a lesser degree the USA, only in the way that modern advertising tries to mold and direct public opinion!. With the multiple sources of information, this isn't as effective as it would be in other societies!.
I think of the three you pointed out, North Korea is by far the most applicable, but all three are good choices!. Interesting question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Russia maybe!?

I havn't read the book, I wouldn't want to either!.
I've just finished Animal Farm and hated it more than anything I've ever read, heard or seen in my life!.

I saw the words communism and George Orwell, which is how I concluded with Russia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It wasn't that the 1984 government was cruel!. They just wanted everything to run the same without change!. So it that respect I would have to say some of the Theist governments like Sadia Arabia or Israel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America or Israel - lying governments to the core!.

1984 was originally written to stalinist russia!. Now it applies to anywhere where freedom is attacked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

North Korea for sure!.

And i think communist China!. If we look at censorship over the Olympic torch and the situation in Tibet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even Cuba could get itself in the picture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com