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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How come my best friend Alicia won't read Jane Austen?

Question: How come my best friend Alicia won't read Jane Austen!?
She likes WEIRD books like American Psycho, and Hollywood Wives!. So I told her to read "Emma" by Jane Austen!. And she wouldn't!.
Don't you think she'd like it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think whatever she reads is her business!. Everybody is different!. That is what makes the world go round!. The thing is- the best way to keep a friend is to accept them just the way they are!. I'm glad you enjoy Jane Austin!. American Psycho is a great book!. I'm not so sure about Hollywood Wives, but I wouldn't lose a friendship over it!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

American Psycho is not trash (in response to another respondents answer)!. It's a very well written and deep piece of writing!. So it bodes well for her that she can read that, because it's not always easy to get through!. Austen should a breath of fresh air compared to that!.

I don't know about Hollywood Wives!. That sounds like trash!.

However, if she's open-minded enough to read American Psycho, which is a very unconventional book, then maybe she can stretch her tastes to Austen!. It's a completely different sort of book, and she might find it a bit vapid, but then again American Psycho is a dissection of a very superficial man!. It looks at the dark side of those sort of image-obsessed wealthy people while "Emma" is the light side of a similar sort of group from a different time!. If you pitch it to her like that, it might intrigue her!. also, if she reads Hollywood Wives, well!.!.!. she likes gossip which is compatible with Emma!.

The movie Clueless is a transformation of Emma into a modern context, which you might want to point out to your friend!. I don't particularly love that movie, but it's a very clever screenplay that really nails what Emma is about and it can be fun for people who don't usually like Emma to follow the story along and see how Clueless and Emma coincide!. Emma was in its time the equivalent that Clueless is today!. Maybe she's just put off by Austen because of the time period and this might change her mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Judging by what you said she likes to read, then I would definitely say no!. She would probably hate it, actually!.

I read mostly fantasy/supernatural, and I know that I can't stand Jane Austen!. I don't like the old-fashioned writing style, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a matter of her reading level, and what SHE thinks she'd like!. I think she's judging a book by its cover!. Jane Austen isn't everyone's first choice, espcially a younger girl!. Maybe tell her to read a page (your favorite part) and tell you what she thinks of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe she doesn't like "older" books, idk!. if she really doesn't want to, i don't think you should force her!. you may end up getting into a pointless argument!. you could try saying something like "want to do a trade!? u read emma, and i'll read (whatever book she's recommended to u)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think maybe she would find it okay, but she has her own mind, all you can do is recommend it and explain it a little bit!. Don't pressure her to read it, let her choose on her own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your friend probably likes books in a more modern time because she probably thinks she relates to them better, but just let her read what she likes or you could read one of her books and she one of yours!. Then yall might both like each others booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone has different tastes!. Jane Austen is my favorite! But it took me years to read her!. I didn't read Pride & Predjudice until 25 yrs old!. And I fell in love and had wished I had read sooner! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If her personality is darker than you can imagine, is not your fault!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my personal opinion, Emma is the best book Jane Austen ever wrote!. Maybe it's just not her genre, but, hey, if she liked American Psycho, she might enjoy 1984 or Fight Club!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would seem to me that your friend only likes trash so Jane Austen would be lost on herWww@QuestionHome@Com

She has different tastes then you!. Let her read what she wants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


jane austen is hard to read maybe thats whyWww@QuestionHome@Com
