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Question: Do you like reading in bed!?
As much as I love reading if I read in bed I am ususally out as a light within 5-10 mins,therefore I have to do my reading sitting in a chair of a day/night time!.

What about you guys!? what are your reading habits!?

also has your reading ever got you into trouble i!.e not doing housework,going to work,homework etc!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm the same!. I prefer to read in peace in the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I read everywhere!. Before bed is generally when i find the most time to read, and I just put the book down and start to listen to music when I start to get tired, which is normally around 10 pm ish, no matter when I start!.

Reading gets me into trouble a bit with my parents because I tend to get kind of absorbed when in the middle of reading a good book, and I either forget about other obligations, or I procrastinate about doing my homework, helping out around the house, etc!. I n reality though, as far as homework goes, even though I spend a good part of my time reading I still do well on homework and schoolwork and get straight As( even though if it's a Really good book, I even carry it around school and read in my spare time)!.!.!.so it's not really a huge issue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

[all my answers are if I am reading a good book because I probably wouldn't do most of this if I didn't like the book!.]

I always read in bed but then I don't go to sleep for a really long time because I get so into the book and I can't stop reading it so even though I love it I try not to do it that much or I will be really sleep deprived :] !.

Well I don't really have any reading habits!. I just read at random times or whenever I want to read!. I don't read for a certain ammount of time either!. I sometimes try to put a book down but then I have to start reading it again!.

Hahh yes I have gotten in trouble from reading!. I don't have a job so it hasn't gotten me in trouble with that yet but I forget to do things like housework and homework!. :] I also have gotten in trouble for not going to sleep, not practicing piano, not walking my dog, not cleaning my fish bowl, not getting out of bed until wayy late in the afternoon, and once I even faked sick because I wanted to read a book so bad! [ha a bit obsessive aren't I!?]!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love reading in bed - but it has a downside - I can't go to sleep! I keep wanting to read more and more!.

With the above problem, I've definitely had my share of times of staying up way to late reading!. It's never negatively afftected things - I'll just be grumpy the next day!.

But oh, yea, I'm sure there were times when I neglected homework to read, and I know I didn't go do some stuff I was supposed to just the other day because I was too involved in my book!.

Oh - funny - I burnt myself once too! So!.!. does bodily harm enter into your question!? (I was up late reading when I was little, and wanted more light so I took the shade off of my lamp - I went to switch the fan off and my arm came down on the hot hot bulb - it was painful!. That was the first time I took care of myself with a serious boo-boo :) )

Ok, enough rambling - sorry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm very fidgety so I have to do my reading either on a rocking chair to satisfy my dancing feet, or while walking around (but it's too easy to blindly run into people/stuff so I do that every so often!.!.!.)!. I can't seem to read in the nighttime either, but it's not because of falling asleep!. Nighttime is writing/drawing time for me!.

And oh yes, reading has got me into plenty of trouble--more than it should!. My parents aren't so bad about this anymore since I've been of age for some time, but back in the day they HATED it when I read books!. They thought (and still think) reading is a waste of time when I should be studying math!. So I used to go to the library and lie, saying that I was going there to do homework, but then ended up spending the time reading!. They eventually caught me--and I got into so much trouble!. Heck, I probably could've went through less trouble from them if I got a DUI instead!.

Still doesn't make sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to read in bed!. Every night I read for a half an hour before bed!. Unless of course, the book is extremely good, I will stay up quite late!.
I also read during the day!. I prefer the night though, because my house is crazy, so I can concentrate when they are all sleeping!.
Reading has gotten me in trouble a few times!. Sometimes I stay up until like 5 in the morning to finish a book!. And in school I read constantly, and skip classwork because of it!. Oops!

I will read anywhere and everywhere!. I read for about 40 minutes or so (sometimes more) before i go to bed EVERY night!. I read during the day also though, and nothing distracts me so i could probably read at a led zeppilen concert!. I usually balance my life so i get everything done though, so it hasnt really gotten me in trouble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love reading in bed! especially if its been a kind of lazy day where my minds not rele been active!. i find reading gives me a kind of mental workout so therefore when i go to bed i am more tired and will sleep better!.

but if i'm into a really good book that i simply cannot wait till bedtime to read, then i like to find a quiet yet sunny place to read, like beside a window!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No-as soon as I get into bed I feel instantly tired and doze off,it drives my partner mad-she wants to sit up and read or watch tv/a movie sometimes in bed but I just can't do it unless I've dosed myself up on caffeine first!.

Usually I will just curl up on the sofa with a good book and a nice cup of tea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i could stay up all night reading in bed, because im in a comfy place!. i like to read at night after all my work (chores, hmwk) is done, so i can relax and get absorbed into the book!. i used to hide a book on my lap while pretending to do homework (or reading the history text book in class)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I normally read my book in bed before going to sleep, yesterday i went outside in the garden to read but got distracted easily!. As for getting into trouble i offen used to regret it when i had to get up early in the morning after being glued to a book till all hours the night before!Www@QuestionHome@Com

When my children were little I would read a book whilst I was cooking!. However nowadays I've consigned my reading habits tothe bedroom!.

I have been known to read until the wee small hours of the morning or even all night!. And yes this habit has gotten me into a pickle with hubby many a time!.

Reading the Other Boylen Girl!.!.!.so must shut up shop and get to bed now!. Good night to you dear!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually like to read for about 30 minutes before i go to bed!. Yes, I usually read in my bed, I find it very comfortable and relaxing!. My reading has often times gotten me into trouble for I get so lost in my book that I forget about my other obligations!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like reading in library, of course reading in bed before sleeping is of great significance, because it helps to fall asleep quickly,,,, but reading in a library full of calm readers is oif great importance too, that's why i prefer the latter on the formerWww@QuestionHome@Com

I never used to read at all then when I had my son I would read when I was nusing!. Now that my son is eating figer foods and bottles, I don't nurse any more and all my books have big pictures, bright colors and not too many words :) I wouldn't have it any other way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like to read in bed when I've just woken up!. I'm not tired then, and I'm all refreshed and comfy, plus it's quiet :)
That usually leads to me having to rush out of the house and very nearly missing ym train in the mornings though!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like to read in my room and there's no chair so I either sit or lay on my bed!. When I read a book I like to read it all at once if possible so I!. I sometimes get in trouble for not doing anything when I'm reading a book for 6-8 hours straight!. Worth it though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only time I ever read is when I'm in bed!.!.!.it's my safe place where I won't be interrupted and if the book is really good and interesting!.!.!.then I'm up half the night, if not all night, reading a book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My sister got me in the habit of reading before bed!. And then I would fall asleep to reading!. Now I find it hard sometimes when Im reading I can't stay awake!.

In my opinion, its a bad habit to get into!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love to read in bed-I usually am out like a light after a few pages and so have trouble finding where I finished the next night!
Sometimes though I stay awake for a while!. I'm off now for a read!

I read everywhere and need to be careful to get things done! I've started making bargains with myself-- ok, if you clean the bathroom, then you can read 2 chapters before cleaning the kitchen!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do most of my reading in bed!. Normally for 40 minutes or so before I go to sleep!.

other than that I read outside - on trains or in parks etc!. during the day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love reading in bed!. I can't sleep without it! It does depend on how tired I am and how good the book is but I can read for hours in bed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I enjoy reading!.
I have every Danielle Steel book printed!.!.!.!.!. That's over 70!!!!
I keep a magazine on my bedside table and read 1 story or article every night before going to sleep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always read in bed!. I can't read anywhere else because the noise distracts me and I read the same sentence over and over again!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I almost can't fall asleep without reading something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sometimes when its late at night and Im not tired I read something in bed to get me tired!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just need peace and quiet to read, day or night

and I sometimes read in bed :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i love to read in bed, and i frequently neglect other jobs if i have a good book on the go!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read on my bed usually!. Aha :) and in the car!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I normally read my own novels, I have written three but am yet to have them published!. I find my tales of intergalactic sexual exploration can be just what the metaphorical doctor ordered when im tucked up in my jim jams and a cup of beerWww@QuestionHome@Com