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Question: Question about Mansfield Park by Jane Austen!?
Well, I bought a book with Jane Austen novels in it and the first ones were sense and sensibility and then pride and prejudice!. I loved these!
then, i moved onto mansfield park!. I'm not finding it that interesting!.

i'm up to the part where their father has returned and discovered their plans of a play!.!.!.does it get better after this!? or not!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i loved it, and maybe you will find that it does get more interesting!. however every person is different, which means that my thoughts on a book would not be yours!. all i will advise is keep on with it and form your own oppinion, as someone else's may not be right for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know, it does get more intresting, but it is a different sort of Austen book!. It was Jane Austen's supposed favorite because there are more real-life consequences and issues!. Plus, Fanny is such a sympathetic person to read - who doesn't know the awkwardness of being an unwanted guest at some point!?

However, it took me some work to really grasp why the father is mad about the acting and play!. But at that time, actors were considered one step above prostitutes!. So I guess coming home to your kids doing that would be shocking!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, this is the darkest of Austen's novels!. It's still a romance, but a lot issues of the day are brought up, the hideous treatment of slaves in the Americas, the use of opium as the sedative of choice for the upper class women dealing with their disappointment in their lives!. The last chapter is one of the funniest, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While I love all of Jane Austen's work, Mansfield Park isn't quite up to the standards of P&P or S&S!. It's worth persevering with though!. Next time maybe try Emma or Persuasion or read Northanger Abbey for a slightly gothic feel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com