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Question: What is a double entry reading journal!?
And how do you keep one!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I've used this as a teaching method in several classes, and when reading a "collection" of works on a single topic or by a single author, or from a single genre, I'll often use this tactic myself as a tool for my own enjoyment and pleasure!. I've also found such double entry journals to be very useful when participating in reading groups or clubs!.

Basically, you are keeping a journal of your interactions with a book, taken down AS YOU READ!. Your journal needs at least two columns, one for the date and the quotation or partial quotation, paraphrase, or summary of the bit of the book you are responding to, including chapter and page information, and the second column for your thoughts, ideas, responses, etc!.

These are not just "notes" for a test, but your personal interaction and reaction to the book, characters, plot, images, etc!. Often people will add a third column for additional commentary that they want to add after a reading group meeting, after later reading, or after additional thought on the topic!. This third column allows you to respond later to your initial responses -- the point at which your interaction with a novel can become REALLY interesting (grin)!.

The fresh perspective a person brings when first encountering a novel, author, or genre can be extremely valuable, entertaining, or self-revealing!. As you read around in the works of a specific author, genre, or issue, you "educate" yourself in what you are doing, and your later thoughts may bring additional levels of enjoyment to your experience, just as your earlier perspectives may provide you with valuable incites that you may forget about once you are steeped in the traditions of a particular form, author, etc!.

Such journals can be kept on paper or on the computer; some people use different inks for different stages of reading and interaction!. Some use color coding systems to indicate what book or stage they are in when they come back to comment on an earlier read, etc!. It can be as simple or as complex as suits you or as you decide you want to make it as you go along!.

The key features of this type of reading journal are it's usefulness and enjoyment value for you, and the fact that you make your original entries as you read, not after you've read, the book, chapter, or section!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You take a quote from a book and write you thoughts on that quote!. Usually questions, connections, predictions, etc!. you just put in a journal!. At least this is what my English teacher said they were!. could be wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um im gonna guess
i think its when you read something then write about it
im prob wrong
