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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is Jude the Obscure as miserable as everyone always says (that is to say very mi

Question: Is Jude the Obscure as miserable as everyone always says (that is to say very miserable)!?
I'm wondering whether I should ever bother reading it or will the feeling of depression outweigh the enjoyment of a beautifully written novel!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, Jude is miserable!. But he sure helped bring it on!. I love Thomas Hardy!. Of course, back when I first read him it was incredible stuff for this innocent young lady! Tess is another one that just makes you grind your teeth!. And then there is the moron Mayor!. But you know these people, they are real and fallible and they could be anyone!. They are novels that will stick with you all your life and you will always be glad you have read them!. So they are dark and not very happy!. Well, life isn't always about sunshine is it!? After the first one I read I had to do more and while I was reading them I kept thinking about Thomas Hardy and what a twisted ball of hurt he was to feel the need to spew this dark view of life over and over again, and so eloquently!. They really touched a chord with me and he is still one of my favorite authors!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jude the Obscure, one of the geratest tragedies written in english literature!. It is about a kind of person Jude with great aspirations and thoughts about life!. Thomas Hardy is an athiest writer, who conyes his idea about exestentialism and fatalism, determinism and nothingness!. The whole story depicts the miserable life of this charachet in various types of life, with his studies, with his relatioships with the two women Sue, and Arabella,!.!.!.!. The killing of his sons by their step-brother was the grim scene in the whole story, !.!.!.!.!.!. that's why it can be seen a kind of sad and offensive novel !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was in the middle of reading it when I read how depressing it was I couldn't read anymore for weeks! I only just picked the book up again and this time I'm determine to get to the end!. I hope I won't cry because I've also got the 'Jude" DVD which everyone says is depressing too but I haven't seen it yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While it's a wonderfully written book, it's also one of the most depressing things I've ever read!. Like "I was in a funk for three weeks" depressing!.

The movie is just as depressing, very good, but only takes two hours!. Try that first, and see if you want to go through with the book!.

Like I said, it's an excellent novel!. But, ugh!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jude the Obscure is one of my favorite books!. It is a hard read because it is so sad, but the writing is so eloquent!. There is no happy ending but that is life some times!. I think that if you will give it a chance, you will enjoy the read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it wasWww@QuestionHome@Com