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Question: I'm confused about screenwriting!.!?
Which one is correct!?

Somewhere I read you need to concentrate on dialogue/scenery and focus only on telling the story when writing a screenplay because things like shots/transitions will be the directors decision to make!.

Then I read that we have to add thngs like shots/transition if they are even going to be read as then it would be properly formatted!.

Which is right!?

also how do you know when to use 'fade in'!? or 'fade out'!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Best way to learn screenwriting is read other scripts!. There are loads of sites out there where you can download or read feature film scripts!. Such as imsbd!.com or awesomefilm!.com!.

A lot of scripts on the Internet have the scenes numbered - this is only for production purposes - you do not need to number the scenes of your script when trying to sell it to agencies or film companies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should write all the shot transitions, zoom or fade out or any other affects like that in a screenplay and then you should put them in italics so someone could read the story on its own but they could also read the italic bits if they wanted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com