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Position:Home>Books & Authors> American Literature Scholars of Poe Fans?

Question: American Literature Scholars of Poe Fans!?
I have to do a project on American Literature (something like food!.!.or a hands on project)!.!.I'd like to do something interesting on the time when Poe was alive (maybe completely about Poe!!)!.!.!.!.or maybe some Puritan recipes!?
ANY ideas are welcomed!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nobody ate whale blubber in Moby Dick!. Stubb ate whale steaks and called for whale balls for breakfast!.

Hasty pudding was a common dish in colonial New England!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you could serve "whale blubber" for Moby-Dick

or prepare a costume and act in character
some fun ideas for that

Mark Twain
Jack Kerouac (beatniks are fun lol)
Truman Capote
J!.D!. Salinger
Ernest Hemingway
Walt Whitman
Nathaniel Hawthorne (HARD)Www@QuestionHome@Com