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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do u think of these names for my?

Question: What do u think of these names for my!?
character in my book!?

Gwen Cirtland/girl/15
Jeremy Hacket/boy/16

Sidekicks (in a sense)
Jet Hacket (is there a long version of Jet!?)boy/12
Jean Dosun/girl/12
Josh Dosun/boy/12
Abigal "Abby" Bowen/girl/7
Daniel "Danny" Cassy/boy/6
Daren Bowen/boy/16
Holland "Holly" Grace/girl/16
Trudy "True" McVan/girl/9
Julieonna"Julie" McVVan/girl/16
Samuel "Sam" Tores/boy/14
Lillian "Lilly" Miller/girl/13
Thomas "Tom" Whitney/boy/13

Gwen's family/friends
Kelly Johnson/girl/15
Ryan Hayden/boy/17
Serena Cirtland/girl/15
Brandon Cirtland/boy/18

Ellen Mitchel/girl/17
Jewel Davids/girl/15
Mrs!. Teresa Davids/woman/42

William"Will" Sydney/man/was 20/protagonist
Destiny Tide/woman/was 19/protagonist
Jewel Tide/woman/was 19/antagonist

this story takes place in america 2006!. but transfers to another world called Tristel later (if u have abetter name for the worldthen suggest1Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jethro Hacket would be a good name!. "Jet" could be his nickname!.

Is Serena and Brandon Cirtland related to Gwen in any way!?

Tristel's not a bad name!. I have *worse*!. :0)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good names!. And the nicknames work well because nicknames are very in, and are 'cool' for teens to have!.

Hope that helped!

I think One girl should be named Anahi At least!. Idk!.

They are all good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com