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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I've never read Twilight or any others... whats it all about??

Question: I've never read Twilight or any others!.!.!. whats it all about!?!?
i dont mean tell me the whole book, i just want to know the basics of the book!. the only thing i know is it has vampires!. i know nothing else!.!.!. oh well i keep seeing edward/jacob/bella fanatics and i have no clue whats going on!.
is it a series!? how many books if it is!?
will it ruin my liking for vampire novels!? because i've read Anne Rice's vampire chronicles and personally, i enjoyed them!. i dont want to ruin it by reading a book thats trying to be like some other author!.

is it for teens or adults!? i'm in my early 20's!. would i enjoy it!?

i know i could just go online and search it but i'd rather have people tell me their feelings about the book, not a summary typed by some 80 year old guy who never even read the book!.!.!.

anyway, help me out!
best answer gets 10 points, i promise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, Meyer definitely has her own view of vampires!. She's made it her own kind of book!. These aren't the mythical vampires like in Anne Rice's books!. These vampires are the most human vampires I've ever read about!. They don't look dead, they don't sleep in coffins (in fact they don't sleep at all), they don't drink human blood, they don't have fangs, they CAN go out in daylight, and they all have some kind of ability or sixth sense that they gain when they change into a vampire!. Other than that, the only traits that link them to the myth of the vampires we all have heard of growing up is that they do drink blood (animal blood), they're charming, and they don't age!. Other than that their mysterious glow and charming personalities kind of drain as the books continue on!. Twilight is the best in my opinion!. If you don't like the idea of vampires being portrayed in this fashion then you may not like this book!.

There are four books in this series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn (Set to be released August 2nd of this year)

This book is for everyone, from teens to adults, but many teenagers are into them!. I do know adults, even mothers, that love these books!. So it all depends on if you just actually are drawn to it!. I will warn you though, that after the first book Twilight, everything turns into a big dramatic mess!. Like I said, I loved Twilight but New Moon and Eclipse just reminded me of a big dramatic scene of highschool kids!. The vampires lose their charm, to me, and they no longer seem like vampires!. Sometimes I forget that they are!.

So, in comparing Anne Rice to these books!.!.let's just say that Anne Rice keeps the old fashioned myth of vampires with a dark setting!. Meyer!.!.not so much!. Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight series is basically about a girl named bella swan that falls in love with a vampire, edward cullen, and it tells of all the events that happen to them!. Jacob is a friend of bellas!. I would tell you in detail but that would probably kill it =) Its a young adult type of book but any person would enjoy it !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it is a series! There are 3 books Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and the 4th and final book (out in August) is titled Breaking Dawn!. I also like the Anne Rice books and personally i don't think it would ruin your opinion of them!. Pretty much anyone who enjoys vampire novels would like these books! There great for any age!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, basically the books are about this average teenaged girl who moves to this little town to live with her dad!. Bella (the girl) meets Edward, a vampire and falls in love!. Then the next 2, soon to be 3 books explains her life with a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

read it read it read it read it read it read it!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok i can give u an answer without being a spaz
well twilight is the first book, then the second book is new moon, the third book is eclipse there is one more book that comes out inn augest its called breaking dawn!. if u read them u will love them! I dont like to read at all, but my sister read it to me and i loved it!
the 1st book is being turned in to a movie! the movie is called twilight and it comes December 12th 2008
u can c a mvie traylor on youtube!.com/official twilight movie traylorWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is a series--the fourth and last will be out in august!. I like it, and i think there are several million around the world who love it even more than me!.

Its a romance that keeps you reading, I think!. All about a girl named Bella who falls for a vampire!. He loves her, too, but he's torn because he doesn't want to end up killing her!. You see, he loves the smell of her blood!.

As I said before, it's good!. Some people are way too obsessed, but I get why!.

I don't think it will ruin vampires for you!. Lots of people who read Anne Rice loved Twilight, too!.

I think the only way you're going to find out is by reading it!. Even if, unexplainably, you hated it, at least you'll know what Edward/Bella/Jacob fans are talking about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's about a teenage girl, Bella, who falls in love with a vampire, Edward!.

As of right now there are three books in the series (Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse), with a fourth coming out in August (Breaking Dawn)!.

I've never read any of Anne Rice's novels, so I couldn't compare the way that the vampires are written!. However, in Twilight they are fairly tame since!. The Cullens only drink animal blood, though there are those who aren't "vegetarians!."

I think that the vast majority of the Twilight fanbase consists of teenage girls (as you have probably noticed), but you may or may not like it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, it is a series currently it is 3 books long, but the fourth is coming out on August 2, it isTwilight, New Moon, Eclipse, then the fourth is Breaking Dawn!. It will definitely not ruin your perspective of vampire novels!. The vampires in Twilight are very different from the average ones in many other vampire novels, Stephenie Meyer creates her very own perspective of vampires, in this book!. I highly recommend you read it!. I am only 13, but it isn't really just a teen book that you would think is stupid!. Stephenie recently said they are no longer classified as young adult books, but as adult books, too!. It is truly a good book for anyone that is willing to read!. And, if it helps, I am mature for my age! lol
It is about a gitrl that moves to Forks, Washington from Pheonix, Arizona!. She sees the mysterious Cullen/Hale family!. She is intrigued by them, and needs to find out more about them!. Bella gets into many predicaments where Edward, one of the Cullens, saves her in an utterly impossible way!. She tries to find out more, and once she gets close, and finds out, will it lead to her ultimate demise!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I won't rehash what everyone has already said!. What I will add is that one of the reasons that teenaged girls read this series is because of the obsessive/almost unhealthy attachment Bella has to Edward!. I was an English major in college so I tend to read things a little critically!. I think that it's a bad example for young girls, but I can't help but read them!.

Think of the series like a cupcake - light, sinfully enjoyable but, when it's all said and done, it leaves you with a funny feeling in your stomach (like guilt)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is about an high school girl (bella) that moves with her father to a rainy little town called forks!. she discovers that the insanely beautiful family (cullens) is actually a family of vampires!. she falls in love with the youngest cullen (Edward) and he falls in love with her!. Edward goes through an emotional battle because his family are vampires that do not eat human blood just animal blood!. so throughout the story Edward is struggling to control himself around bella and not eat her!. jacob becomes introduced in the second book!. it is an amazing book and all ages would enjoy it!. email me if you have any questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com