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Question: People who buy books from Borders!.com please Help!?!?
I have some books that i need for school and went to borders!.com to buy them online!. Near one of the books that i wanted it said Mass Market paperback and next to it was the same book which cost more and didn't say Mass Market next to it!. Can someone help me an tell me what's going on!. What is the difference betreen the two and what does Mass Market mean!. The book title is The Color Purple on borders!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Mass market paperbacks are the cheapest option in all books!. In the case of novels, if you find one that is substantially more expensive than the other, it usually is because the expensive one is hardback and the cheaper one a mass market paperback!. If you only need it for school I'd recommend the cheapest option!. The actual content, should be identical, with few exceptions i!.e!. an anniversary edition with some extras or a special revised edition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm willing to bet the book that cost more was a hardcover copy of the same title!. If you are wanting to save money just buy the paperback copy!. There is no difference in the story although some versions of the same book might have a different introduction!.

Mass Market is just a copy of the same book that is produced for cheaper costs and won't last as long as a hardcover copy!. Paperbacks are smaller, use less binding glue, and don't last as long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might want to go to Amazon!.com!. You can probably get that book used and at a very good price!. I have ordered many books from Amazon and have always received them within a week!. Mass market is really no different in the story itself!. Its just that they print a lot of them, and generally in a less quality product!. The story stays the same though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion you should buy your books on-line from Barnes & Noble (www!.bn!.com) because they have good prices and come quickly!. I tried Amazon once but it took weeks to get my books so it wasn't worth the small price deference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

theres no difference except the paperback doesnt have a hardcoverWww@QuestionHome@Com