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Question: I'm trying to figure out what book I'm thinking about!.!?
I read it a long time ago in middle school it's not so big but it's about a girl who goes to live with someone and she can't bring anything green into the house I forgot why but she ends up falling in love with some guy there and I could tell it set place back then because she said she didn't want to show here ankles and oh yeah I think her mother died and the picture frame of her mother way green!. I completely forgot the books name and I want to read it again could someone please help me thank you^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
is the title Jade Green!? by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
was is sorta a ghost story!?

Yea, I think this is it!.!.

Jade Green
"Then at the end of the street, the house--the large brown house with the two eyes--made me suddenly clutch at the driver's arm as if to say, Turn back! Turn back!" At the first sight of her uncle's house--her future home--an inexplicable cloud of foreboding engulfs orphaned teen Judith Sparrow!. Unfortunately, her fears are confirmed when she hears a mysterious scratching at the back of her closet and senses a ghostly presence hovering over her at night!. Even more chilling, Judith learns of the death of a girl named Jade Green from the town gossip--a girl who lived in her uncle's house before Judith and died a horrible death on the attic stairs!. As it turns out, Jade dearly loved the color that was her name!. Suddenly, Judith knows the reason she was forbidden by her uncle to bring anything green into the house!. She fears that by smuggling in a small green picture frame, she has roused the sleeping ghost of Jade Green and assured the doom of all who sleep under her uncle's roof!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read this book! I know I have! I can't quite remember the title, though!.!.!. I'll think about it and try and get back to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com