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Position:Home>Books & Authors> When is the midnight release for Breaking Dawn?

Question: When is the midnight release for Breaking Dawn!?
I know the book comes out on August 2nd, but if I were to go to a midnight release party, would I go to the bookstore on the August 1st and get the book at 12 AM on the second, or would I go to the bookstore on the second and get the book at 12 AM on the third!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go to your local bookstore on Aug!. 1 at 12 a!.m!.

If you went on Aug!. 2 at 12 a!.m!. , then that would mean that the book would be released on Aug!. 3!.

Hope this clarifies things and can't wait for Breaking Dawn! :)


i would go to the bookstore on the first!. just because i am excited that is what i would do i cant wait untill it comes out either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yah go on august 1 around 11pm,then at 12 you can get the book!.!.!.at 12 it will be august 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would go on August 1st around 11 or so then at 12 you would get the book!. So technically you would get it on August 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com