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Question: Twilight Birthday Question!?
So If Bella's birthday is September 13th and Edward's birthday is June 20th!.!.!. when is Jacob's birthday!? And is Edward's birthday really on June 20th!? Could someone please give me proff of Edward's birthday and answer my question about Jabob's birthday!?
Thank you!
--Happy Birthday to Edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look at the last sentence!.
Q: What was Edward’s human last name!? And are there any other details about his mortal life that you could pass on to us!?

A: Edward’s full name is Edward Anthony Masen Cullen!. His mother’s name is Elizabeth and his father’s name is also Edward!. His human life in Chicago was fairly happy and uneventful!. His parents were moderately wealthy (his father was a successful lawyer)!. The biggest worry in his mother’s life before they were all caught in the epidemic was the fact that World War I was raging and Edward was only a year away from the draft (in August of 1918, the draft age was lowered to 18–the influenza epidemic hit in September)!. Edward’s mother will be briefly remembered in the beginning of New Moon!. When he was human, his eyes were green!. He is 6′2" tall (you’d be surprised at how many people have asked me that)!. His birthday is June 20th!.

and jacob's b-day!.
Q!. When is Jacob’s birthday!?

A!. I don’t know Jacob’s birthday for sure!. I’ve never assigned one!. Sometime during Bella’s zombie period, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie says she doesn't know yet, but it's sometime in October, November, December, or January!. It took place sometime during Bella's zombie months!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they never mentioned itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Somewhere in Bella's zombie months, and GO TEAM EDWARD! I don't like Jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hey! what she said!.!.!.but my birthday is a day before Bella's!!Www@QuestionHome@Com