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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Which version of the Iliad is better,Fitzgerald or Rouse?

Question: Which version of the Iliad is better,Fitzgerald or Rouse!?
or which is easier to read/annotateWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Rouse's is far easier to read!. However, his is a prose re-telling (it's not a true translation) of most, but not all, of Homer's tale!. That said, it's a very entertaining and enjoyable read!.

Fitzgerald's is a verse translation of Homer's *entire* work, and many, with good reason, consider his to be the best!.

So it depends on what you're looking for!. If you're reading for pleasure, either, but you may enjoy Rouse's better!. But if you're reading The Iliad for high school or college, or want to get as close to Homer as possible, there's no choice: Fitzgerald's is the one you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com