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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Which actors from the HP movies do you think played thier character best?

Question: Which actors from the HP movies do you think played thier character best!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think all the main characters did well (harry, hermione, ron, sirius, dumbledore, all the teachers, hagrid, draco, ect)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Evanna Lynch!. Luna is my favorite character, and I thought she captured the spirit quite well!.
The one who played Umbridge (forgot her name)!. I don't like Umbridge (duh) but the actress was good at being evil, don't you think!?
Rupert Grint!. Awesome Ron!.
Emma Watson!. Totally talented!. To me, she is Hermione!.
Richard Harris!. Wonderful acting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

definetly the dumbledore from the first two movies, the guy after that was stupid!!! (all the movies were stupid though)!. i also like mcgonagall!. ron harry and hermione in the first two, after that theyre gay, and the dursleys but not in the 5th one!. and moody was pretty good!. also neville but not in the 4th or 5th!. and i think umbridge could have been made fatter and shorter!. and i liked luna

basicly i HATED the third, fourth, or fifth movies WITH MY LIFE!!!. and the first two were cheesyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, Rupart Grint (If I spelled that correctly!.)
Daniel Radcliffe was good, but in the books Harry is kind of more tempermental!.
Emma Watson (hate the actress =( ) did good cuz she acted a bit snobbish, yet sweet, which is what she was supposed to do!.

That's what I think

Professor Snape, Dumbledore, Hermione, NEVILLE=], Luna, Hagrid, Draco!.
Nearly all of them did a good job!!
I don't know their real names though:s sorry!.!.
Please answer mine=[

I think that Evanna Lynch (Luna), Richard Harris (The first Dumbledore), and Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) did the best!. They completely embody the characters in my view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were all so totally utterly excellent! But my favourites would have to be the lovely Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, and Jason Isaacs!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Rupert Grint!.
He was absolutely classic!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alan Rickman!!!!! So hot, and yet so!.!.!.!.Snape-ish!. He can pull of slimy black hair like nobody else!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ginny and snapeWww@QuestionHome@Com