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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who else is obsesed with Twilight and the rest of the series?

Question: Who else is obsesed with Twilight and the rest of the series!?
My sister introduced it to me and i love these books and im so happy!. since the harry potter series ended i thought i wouldnt find another book or even possibly a series that i liked as much as i did with harry potter but omg they are amazing!. In the words of my wise older sister "i want to fall in love with a vampire" and oh yes i do!!!!

feel free to comment on how you feel as wellWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ME! And probably millions of other people!. Yesh I know, vampires rock!. ? I cannot understand people who hate it! I see people on Y!A that say that they can't stand the Twilight series but that is just impossible! I love everything abou it! I really like the Cullens too, but then again, who doesn't!? I can't wait for the 4th book, I hate waiting!.!.!.-_- And I never thought I was one for sci-fi and stuff!. Did you know they were making a movie!? I'm not as excited, because most movies ruin the books, and I don't like Robert Pattinson - the guy who acts Edward Cullen!. Stephenie Meyer makes everything really detailed, which surprises me that I like it!. When stuff are too detailed, I tend to skip it!. ? And, her writing has caused me to make me more impatient!. When I start one of her books, I always scan through it first (get the good parts) then reread it with ALL THE WORDS!. Which takes me a few tries!.!.!. hehe!. ?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, there are a lot of Twilight Twinkies and Twilight Twankers (the male equivalent) out there!. But to their credit, even a lot of them are starting to get sick of the obsession and beginning to realize the books aren't as great as they first thought!. You aren't in love with a vampire - he is a book! You are in love with paper and ink!. Isn't that just a little over the top!? Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, today I discovered there are 497 Edward Cullens living in my city, which is disturbing!. Maybe they've all changed their names by deed poll - anyway, the sheer mania generated by Twilight is really quite frightening, and being of a somewhat delicate constitution, methinks I shall have to give the series a miss - I'd better stick with "Wuthering Heights!.!.!."

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight Series is AMAZING! I am going crazy as I wait for Breaking Dawn to be released!. It has lovable characters and an amazing concept!. I find it irritating when someone who hasn't even read the first page, wants to call it a stupid book or something like that!. When this series is over, I am going to be a very sad person!. Not to mention a very bored one!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel the same way!!!!! I absolutely LOVE the series!! I have heard that after Midnight Sun Stephenie Meyer is rumored to be writing New Moon from Jacob's point of view which is soooo exciting because I really don't want to stop reading these books!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im ridiculously obsessed!. i know its a little scary i scare myself! lol but its true, i never actually thought i would like a book so much because its a little nerdy but i do! i love them too! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

ME! Me! Pick me! I'm OBSESSED!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!!I absolutely love it! i can't wait for thee 4th book! Go team Edward!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am not obsessed but i do like twilight!.
its a really good bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Me!! i love them!Www@QuestionHome@Com