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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Help finding 1st Edition Haunted, by Chuck Palahniuk?

Question: Help finding 1st Edition Haunted, by Chuck Palahniuk!?
I bought this book, Haunted, by Chuck Palahniuk, the day it came out!. Awhile later, I loaned it to a then-boyfriend to read!. When we split up, he packed it up in his things and moved!. I want to buy a new one, but I really, REALLY want that 1st Edition!.

Can someone help me find a copy of it!? It doesn't have to be signed, just as long as it's 1st edition!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Finding a first edition is tricky!. There are lots of small little dealerships etc!. It can take a lot fo internet searching to find one!. Make sure it is described at in excellent condition etc!.

I would start looking at amazon!.com and ebay!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com