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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Hello, I am going into 7th grade and need help with a "1984" project?

Question: Hello, I am going into 7th grade and need help with a "1984" project!?
Yes, I have read this book already, it is merely the fact that I am not even 12 that causes me to ask for help!.
No, I am not asking you to do my homework for me!.
Could somebody please help me write a basic summary!? (Not the whole project)
It can be exetremly basic, because it is not the summary that is important!.
My class has not already read this book, it is a free choice summer assingment!.

THANK YOU so much in advance for your time and hardwork!.
You will get 10 points!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like to think of this as my community service for the evening!.!.!.

In 1984, one man challenged the greater good for the right to individuality!. Winston Smith had been conditioned in the same way as every other citizen of Oceania, but he never truly learned to love Big Brother!. Disenchanted and depressed by his job as a censor of past news reports, he rebelled against this misinformation and the strict governance of the Party!. Winston began by keeping a diary filled with forbidden ideas, thoughtcrimes which would get him arrested or killed!. He moved from thoughts to actions, exploring the world of the proles and committing small but illegal acts of independence!. Co-worker and apparently zealous Party loyalist Julia sneaked a love letter to him, revealing her own rebellious nature!. That was the beginning of an affair, with the two indulging in secret meetings and forbidden luxuries!.

Later in the novel Winston attempted to become more active in the resistance movement!. Although he was disappointed when his attempts to interest Julia in this government overthrow failed, Winston persisted and was contacted by O'Brian, an undercover agent for the Ministry of Truth!. The Thought Police arrested both Winston and Julia after they received a copy of an insurrectionist book from O'Brian!. Separated, tortured and brainwashed, their determination to remain individual crumbled until at last they betrayed each other!. With nothing left to hold onto, they were broken and succumbed completely to the Party's indoctrination!. Both were released as loyal Party members!. Winston, no longer caring for Julia, waited for his death knowing that he finally loved Big Brother!.

1984 is a cautionary tale, warning readers that absolute power could easily create a society like this!. It only offers one very faint hope!. Even in such an oppressive environment, there will be people whose minds are free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com