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Question: Stephen King's "The Stand"!?
For being such a great book, don't you think someone should make a good film version of it!? the tv movie blew!. and who would you cast to play the main characters!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would have to be a very long movie - the story is so long and so intricate and involves so many characters that only a mini-series can really do it any justice!.
I'd love to see Samuel L!. Jackson play 'the Walking Dude'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought the T!.V movie did it justice!. It stayed close to the story!. King's books seem to translate better to a mini series than the big screen!. The only problem I had was the casting of Molly Ringwald as Fran!. She wasn't the right person for that part!.

I can't see making a movie out of it, there would be too much cut from it or they would have to make 2 movies out of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com