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Question: How do you write a good book!?
I know its a general question, except I plan to write a book and I really want to get published, so just some tips etc!. please :)

Thank you xxx :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Please don't think about publication at this stage!. This may sound a bit harsh, but don't let thoughts of publication drive your writing!.

Rule #1 - write the book for YOURSELF, and YOU ONLY!. Be selfish!. Concentrate on getting your story out onto paper, don't even THINK about publishers just yet - certainly not during the creative process - that kind of mind-set cripples me in the early stages of writing a novel!.

Just get the first draft out, just write the book because you WANT to write it!. That way you'll end up with a far more honest story, not just something that you think people want to read!.

Put the first draft away for a few weeks!.
Then reread it, red pen in hand!. Be ruthless! Chop out bits, tidy it up!. Be ultra-critical!. Revise and rewrite, many times if necessary!. Get a trusted friend to read it and offer advice!.

When you have a polished, marketable book - well, that's the time to start thinking about publishers!.

I hope this helps!.!.!.happy writing, just create and above all, enjoy yourself!.

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's has to appeal to the masses, like your life experience, the simple things everyone can relate to!. Life lessons you have learned that have help you get through this life of yours!.

First set aside a time for you to not be interrupted and write, remember the good and bad than you won't be able to stop!.

Then set aside a time for editing if it doesn't make sense or spelling errors, what ever you need to do in that time!.


It just kind of comes to you you know what I mean!. The ideas just get there lol!. For me it comes easiest after I read a good fantasy book because my imagination is going wild lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com