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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone have some good, not well known horror authors?

Question: Anyone have some good, not well known horror authors!?
I've read King, Koontz, Lovecraft and Poe, but does anyone know of some lesser known masters of Horror!? Contemporary and older, I'll read anything!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could always try Dennis Wheatley!. He was a prolific writer, not that good, but he knew how to make you turn the pages!.

Among his output were about nine horror novels; I remember being scared by his "The Devil Rides Out", on black magic!. It was also made into a film!.

Other supernatural/horror books were "The Haunting of Toby Jugg" and "The Ka of Gifford Hillary"!.

I think his books are out of print now, but you might be able to find used copies on second-hand book stalls or on the internet!.


Edit: I rather liked this story by Clark Ashton Smith:

Have you tried M R James!? You can read his stories free on Gutenberg, at the bottom of this site:

One of the best relatively new authors is George Brennan, Jr!. His books are starting to build a reputation for great character writing and humor!. I highly recommend you check out his recent book Bats, Brats, and Stats and his first book Excellence: Sons of Xavier Forever!.


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