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Question: Character names for story!?!?
The girl's name is Lilana (middle name) Grace!. I dont have a last name yet!. Please help me with that!

Then her best friend!.!.!.his name could either b Case, Chase, or Cole (last name i have no idea either)

Her four brother's names are probably going to be: Drew, Micheal, Cameron, and Jace!. Her 10 year old sister is gonna be named Maddy, but I dont know her middle name!.

That's all I have so far!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Here's what I've done for the longest time!. Get one of your DVD's and go directly to the credits!. Don't bother with the cast, but look at all the people behind the scenes!. Best Boy, LIghting Tech, Photographers, Assistants, etc!.!.!. There are a lot of names to choose from!. I simply take the first name of one and the last name of another!. You can get some unique names from doing this!.

Good Luck!

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

For last names, randomly pause credits at the end of movies, if you pass a cemetary, read some of those names!. On my computer's writing program, I make-up last names by picking out a trait or something that reminds me of the character in need of a surname!. For example, I had this pretty bad lady, so I looked up "connive!." After the definition of the word, any words you look up, it has its origination!. The origination was "connivere!." So I called the lady So-So Connivere!. For a totally different story, I named a family the Bonniveres!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lilana Grace Allen / Maddy Lynn Allen / Drew Allen / Micheal Allen / Cameron Allen / Jace Allen

Lilana Grace Novak / Maddy Marie Novak / Drew Novak / Micheal Novak / Cameron Novak / Jace Novak

I wouldn't go with Case, or Chase (too much like her brother's name)!.
Cole Oliver / Cole Westley / Cole SandersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jace is too close to Case, so change one!. And when I have trouble with names, I put myself on a writing break and watch T!.V!., movies, read books, etc, and jot down the names that catch my eye!. Then, work with what you have!.

Chow, best of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Something that has helped me tremendously was going out and buying a baby name book!. It seems silly, but you have kinds of names (English, American, Irish, African, ect) with their origins, meaning, variations and how to pronounce them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

have you thought of the ansestry of your charaters!? that might help some!.
Lianna Grace Walker or Chase Collins
Google baby names!.
you could even make there meaning significant to the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as for liliana's last name!.!. possibly Pendleton, Bohall, Cowgur, Hoke
best friend name!.!. Cole Hughes
sister!.!. Madison Sharee or Maddy JeanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Liliana Grace Mitchell
Drew Mitchell
Michael Mitchell
Jace Mitchell
Maddy Adair Mitchell
Case Chase Cole Chance WarrenWww@QuestionHome@Com
