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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who would win in a fight? (HP Poll)?

Question: Who would win in a fight!? (HP Poll)!?
1!. Luna vs Rita Skeeter
2!. Hagrid vs!. Viktor Krum
3!. Arthur Weasley vs!. Nagini (Round 2, this time isn't sleeping!)

Tag Team Special Match:

Dobby & Winky
Grawp & The Giant Squid!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Luna: She would confuse the idiotic Rita Skeeter so badly that Rita would forget to fight!.
2!. Hargid: He could sit on Krum and squash him and then poke him with his pink umbrella
3!. Nagini: unfortunatley she is not just any snake she is of course Voldemorts and there for is powerful!.
tag team: Dobby and Winky: as a free elf dobby is scarey powerful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Luna (She's had practice with combat in the D!.A!. Rita's been out of school and may be a bit rustier on her reflexes)
2!. Viktor Krum (He's more physically fit and probably more agile--though it'll take a lot more than a few spells to put down Hagrid)
3!. Nagini (Unless Arthur had Godric's sword or something else that can penetrate a horcrux!. He probably wouldn't!.!.!.)

Dobby and Winky
Again, they're smaller--yay for agility! And they have their own arsenal of magic at their disposal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Rita Skeeter (she could claw Luna's eyes out with her long nails)
2!. Hagrid!. He's way bigger, and Krum is a sissy boy
3!. Nagini!. Arthur only survived because of Harry the first time!.
4!. Tag Team:
Definately Dobby and Winky!. The giant squid can't even come out of water!. Plus, those house elves are VICIOUS!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Luna!.!.!. Rita's only good at making up lies!. Actually, she can't even do that, since it's all her quill!.
2!. Hagrid!. It takes a whole lot for a spell to get to him, so he would be nearly impossible to beat singlehandedly!.
3!. Nagini!. She's Voldemort's and she's a horcrux (and there pretty darn hard to destroy)!.
Tag Team: Grawp and the Giant Squid!.!.!. Grawp could just step on them, and call it good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Luna!. She'd probably summon the Crumple-Horned Snorkack or the Blibbering Humdinger and it would kill Skeeter!.
2!. Hagrid!. He just !.!.!. would!.
3!. Nagini!. Venomous fangs are a definite advantage!.
Tag Team: Dobby & Winky!. Being able to breathe on land is handy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Luna(because she kicks ***)
2!. Hagrid(because he's awesome)
3!. Arthur Weasley(because he has magic)

Dobby and Winky(because they have unlimted magic)

Nice questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Luna, way more talented than Rita
Hagrid, he's HUGE
Arthur, he has Harry Potter on his side
Grawp, he's really a giantWww@QuestionHome@Com