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Question: Any ideas on how to lose writers block!?
i need to start writing songs for my band but i cant get started any advice!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's hard!. I know!. Bear with me, it's hard to find inspiration during this time!. So!.!.do things like stare outside your window, pondering on different things in your life and think about others' lives!. Think about your neighbors, what they go through!. Listen to music that you like!. Music can be very inspirational and if you listen to a song it can put you in a mood to where you have an idea for something!. For example, when I listen to dark or depressing music, I get the urge to write a dark poem!. It's all about mood and that mood can put you in writing mode!. Just try it!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a published author and I just went through about 3 months of that!. Finally, I just gave up and started working on other art projects!. I think that helped me subconsciously work the creative side of my brain and open up more ideas!. I don't know if you do anything else creative besides song write (which is something I'd give my I-teeth to be able to do) but if you do, you might try that!.
also, other author tricks would be to look at newspaper articles and write stories about those!. I don't know if you write political or love songs but you might give that a shot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After not thinking about it for a bit, put on an instrumental track of some sort (similar to the genre of music your band is) and just start singing!. Maybe start singing in a false language (or hopelandic, as sigur ros calls it), and then just start to add words, and see what comes out!. Maybe try this in addition to other people's suggestions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a very inclined writer and find myself encountering writers block quite often when I write for fun, for school, etc!. You really just need to take your mind off writing for a bit, this could take from a few seconds to a few days, I prefer taking a nap )before falling asleep write what the piece is going to be about so you do not forget after rest) Or go grab a coffee, and read a newspaper for a while!. Happy writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you aren't on a huge deadline, take a few days off!. Don't think about it, or, at least, try as hard as you can not to think about it!. Just do things that get the juices flowing!. Go to a movie, the park, a museum, read a book, go to a friend's house, go to the ocean, etc!. Good luck!!! I hate writer's block!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. You could take a bike ride to get your blood pumping then go to your creative n comfortable spot

2!. (May sound hippish) Go lay down on the grass stare at the clouds and let your mind wonder

3!. Look at a photograph and imagine it moving like a film, let it take off!.

4!.Think about advice you've gotton, memories or even stories that give strong emotion out

(some people even write lyrics out of things around them when they're bored!.)\

Try to see things in different lights, just keep an eye open!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just think about the subject you want to write and words to describe it!. You may not come up with a song on that subject but find the words fit something else better!. Just let it be, don't force it and don't stress!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i have writers block, i go for a run in the park!. the silence, nature, and the state of being alone leave you with really only one thing to do: think!. i'm sure walking would do the same!. hope i helped =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

read the dictionaryWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should watch the movie "Stranger than Fiction"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write on the paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com