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Question: WOULD you read this story!?
Our class is doing a short story assignment over the summer!. Does this story sound interesting (and guys, be honest!. I don't really care if you say it sucks, I'll just fix the parts you don't like!)

A British 19 sailor-orphan boy saves a rich girl from a runaway carriage!. They fall in love and have a fling (-; One day, he comes to see her and she is GONE! A year later, she stows away on the boat the sailor's working on!. She tells him that she is running away to Britain to find a orphanage!. She tells him she had this affair with a guy in America and had twins but her EVIL dad sent them away to Britain!. The sailor-orphan is pissed off but forgives her eventually and falls back in love!. The ship hits a storm and is looted by criminals!. The girl secretly slips a note into the boy's pocket!. An employee of EVIL dad's kills the girl!. The boy goes slightly crazy and is accused of murdering her (by her EVIL dad)!. He is sentenced to die, and in his cell discovers the note!. He asks his brotherWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i liked the beginning
it was a good start
but after that it just got too wild
there were too many little stories and it gets complicated
i like her stowing away too and the EVIL dad
i would have it like she is trying to run way from her dad
so she stows away on his boat
he finds her and then he has to hide her from everybody else
(i wouldn't put in the part about smugglers it just makes it too complicated)
if you like the part about the twins i would have it that at the end she tells him that she has children- a nice little cliff hangerWww@QuestionHome@Com

the start was a great bit but it went down and down track BUT

yes i would read it it sounds interesting still it starts alot of problems in it though you should just stick to one problemWww@QuestionHome@Com

does this story sound interesting!?
of course it does, its got everything!. great ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com

gosh, that is creative!Www@QuestionHome@Com