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Question: Jane Eyre!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
I am thinking about reading Jane Eyre so for those of you who have read it is there anything bad in it like sexuality!? Thank you!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, there is some sexual tension in the novel, but it's not explicit (maybe that's why some of these readers missed it!)!.

Jane and Rochester have normal desires!. As narrator, Jane tastefully comments on physical love as one of the aspects of their relationship!. However, these desires are not acted upon while she remains unmarried!. Jane is quite a spiritual and morally upstanding person!.

also, part of the theme of the book is redemption for past sins, which Rochester must achieve based on problems in his past!.

There's also some suggestion about one of the characters being rather loose morally - but I won't say who because it's part of the mystery!.

Have no fear, though - there is nothing untoward in the book, which supports the theme that one must live a moral life in order to find happiness!.

Jane Eyre is one of my favorite novels of all time!. I hope you like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre in 1847!. This literary masterpiece chronicles the life of a strong, passionate young woman who survives a miserable childhood to become governess to the children of the troubled Mr Rochester!. Her position soon leads to love and admiration for Mr Rochester and eventually to marriage but with scandalous consequences!.

There is no question of sexualtity etc in this classic novel!. Whilst it is somewhat gothic in nature, Jane Eyre is a beautifully told tale of Victorian England!. Long after you have finished reading it you will still recall Jane & Mr Rochester!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Jane Eyre! There is no explicit sex or language in it; most classics (especially those of the Victorian period) don't contain graphic content!.

Jane Eyre is a Gothic romance written like Jane's autobiography/a memoir starting with her childhood as an orphan with her Aunt Reed, her time at the charity school called Lowood, then striking out on her own and thus defying Victorian society's view of what women should and shouldn't do!. It's a great story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jane Eyre is a great book! Great choice! It tells of the struggles of Jane, as an unwanted orphan in her Aunt Reed's home; as a pupil at a charity boarding school; and finally as a young governess in a troubled gentleman's home!. The book can be called a love story, but there is nothing inappropriate in it! Remember, this was written in the nineteenth century! Jane is a character you could easily relate to or fall in love with!.!.for me, it was both!.!.!.Happy reading!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i havn't finished reading it, but so far throught i read, there is nothing bad!.
jane eyre is a classic book, so it wz written long time ago!. They wouldn't put those kind of things in a classic book, espassially jane eyre!.

its about a girl who is in love with her boss!. so basically, there is nothing bad in there

best of luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, not as far as i can remember!.
I'm 16 and had to study it about a year ago so i cant say there was anything explicit in it!.

Enjoy the book, i thought it was great and the way the writer was able to represent bad omens right before the wedding, was clever; I thought at least!


Nope, Jane Eyre is a really really good book, you would find it really interesting i loved it :) im 15 and we had to read it in school so i gues that shows how suitable it is!. Its very unpredictable i loved it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Def!. tasteful sexuality but it's more of in an unspoken manner, nothing explicit at all, however a more mature novel!.
I highly highly recommend it, it's an amazing novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it a couple times, and I don't remember a lot of sexuality!. There's some violence and a little death, but that's about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you like classic English literature, its fine!. I don't remember any sexual scenes in it!. I read it about two months ago, and like it!. But, again, you need to have an eye for the classics!. Happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe there was!.
all i remember is it was one of the worst books i've ever read!. i read it for senior english!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, there is nothing bad in Jane Eyre!.

It's a good book, though!. You should definitely read it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

im going into the 9th grade and its the book we have to read so i guess notWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jane Eyre is a wonderful old classic!. There is no sex in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i saw parts of the movie and it was unrated!.!.!.okay, that should say enough :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. it is a very good bookWww@QuestionHome@Com