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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Should I buy a traveling journal? Or should I write in my personal journal about

Question: Should I buy a traveling journal!? Or should I write in my personal journal about my trips!?
I will visit Mexico and Colorado soon!. I was thinking!.!.!.Should I buy a traveling journal to write down my thoughts for these trips!? Or should I just write my thoughts for these trips in my personal journal that I write in everyday!?
Side note: I don't travel a lot!. I only travel to far way places to do community service!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends on how you view the trip!.

I bought a specific journal to write in while in Argentina and Chile--because I was going for human rights law, because I had never been to South America, and because I had never lived in a country that didn't have English as a first language, this was a very distinct and separate trip, as opposed to traveling to New York City, or even to California or Hawaii!.

Since you say you don't travel a lot, you might like having a distinct, separate record of your trip as well!. Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its really just a personal preference!. If you want, in the future, to go back to your traveling experience and read what you wrote easily, then you should get a separate journal!. But, if you think that this should just be part of your everyday thing, then go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well!.!.!. idk, if you want to have them separated from everyday entries then, yes, i would buy a traveling journal!. if you really don't care whether or not they are separated, then don't!.
Sorry i wasn't much help!.!.!. do what you want to do :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

record them as part of your regular journal!. it will be easy to look back on everything later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

buy a traveling journal cuz this is special and it is not something u do everydayWww@QuestionHome@Com