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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I love to read, and thought I had read almost everything good out there...?

Question: I love to read, and thought I had read almost everything good out there!.!.!.!?
but I have never read any of this "Twilight" series I keep reading about on here (I swear it is the answer to every book/literature question!.!.!.)!. Could someone explain to me what these books are about and why they are so popular!? also, is there a good website for these books or the author!? Thanks - I like to keep up with Pop Culture!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically, girl finds boy, boy is vampire, girl falls in love with vampire, vampire falls in love with girl!.

The books are just great cause you feel like you are, and you WANT to be the main character, Bella!. And, I think the books are written really well (although I've seen people say otherwise)

People love the books because they feel so attached to Edward (the gorgeous vampire) and others like Jacob (I'm on Team Edward, though)!.

Stephenie Meyer is the author, and her website is stepheniemeyer!.com, and I personally love her/her website because she just seems like someone you could meet at the grocery store and she seems so nice!. I love that her website is so personal, and I hope you enjoy it too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight series are the next Harry Potter if you like!. They are very popular with teens because of the subject matter!. About vampires and romance between a vampire and a normal human girl!.Www@QuestionHome@Com