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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What do I write in an epilogue of my memoirs?

Question: What do I write in an epilogue of my memoirs!?
Hello Folks: OK, here is my "Sunday Seven" question!. Any suggestions as to what I should write about in the epilogue to a book I am writing regarding my memoirs!? I have written seventy chapters comprising 350 pages half filled with photos while in the U!.S!. Army!. I am always coming up with blank walls regarding an epilogue!. Thanks for all responsesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your epilogue might contain your thoughts about your experiences in total, things you've learned that you want to summarize and pass on to your readers, a special thank you to your readers and /or anyone who provided additional help or support to you during the writing and composition, a personal motto and your reasons for having it, a description of where and who you are now, as you complete your memoirs, any one treasured memory that you want to tell, one that is of surpassing personal meaning, that you want to share with your readers, that you haven't already written---possibly something completely off the subjects you've been covering in your memoirs; lastly, you might take a moment to especially commemorate a friend or loved one who can't be here to read or share what you've written, but you wish could be there, if only in spirit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the epilogue, you should say where you are now and what your plans are for the future!. People always want to know where the main character ends up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Unless you're already dead, you probably don't want an epilogue to memoirs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Silly boy!. The epilogue is written by someone else after you are dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com