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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are a few good fiction books for young adults?

Question: What are a few good fiction books for young adults!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'd still have to recommend "Stranger In A Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein - it makes you think, challenges your assumptions, and supports a healthy distrust of large institutions!. Anything by S!. E!. Hinton is going to be good!. The literature referred to as the "Classics" are so referred to because they have timeless and valuable themes!. Read more! It makes you dangerous!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Meg Cabot (Heather Wells & Queen of Babble) and Sophie Kinsella's (Shopaholic [soon to be movie] & Remember Me) Emily Giffin(Something Borrowed & Something Blue, Baby Proof) books!. I am in the process of reading Jennifer Weiner's (Good In Bed & Certain Girls) books!. They are all great authors!

For a young adult/teen I recommend Meg Cabot's young adult books!. She is the best author!. also best selling!. She wrote tons of books including the Princess Diaries (Movies based on her books), Mediator (upcoming movie), 1-800-Missing (TV show based on her books), Jinx, Airhead and more!. She has adult books too, so you can grow with her!.

If you want more info or the authors website's email me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

**Mystery--books by Agatha Christie (my favorite was Murder
on the Orient Express) are hauntingly good!.

**Fantasy-- Twilight!. Need I say more!?

**Romance--The Scarlet Pimpernel!. Just the right mixture of romance and adventure!.

**Sci-fi--the Host!. One of my favorites, it may be called sci-fi but isn't really!. More romantic with a twist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One good one is the Sisterhood of the travling pants!. It's a serias and there are 4 books in all!. i just read the first one and it was really good!. There is also a movie for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the Alice series by Phylis Reynolds Naylor!. If you're into fantasy, Christopher Paolini's, Phillip Pullman's, and Tamora Pierce's stories are great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight series!.(Twilight, New Moon, Ecipse, and Breaking Dawn is coming out)Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Hangman's Curse' and 'Nightmare Academy' both by:Frank E!. PerettiWww@QuestionHome@Com

The lovely bones!. That was an excellent choice I would read again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com