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Question: Harry potter 4!?
This may seem dorky, but I don't understand this thing in Harry Potter 4!. It seems he could have summoned all the things he needed!. The golden egg, Ron, and the Cup!.!.!. Explain why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'M A HUGE HP FAN!!!! Okay now that you know that I'll get to work!. By summoning i assume that you mean useing the charm "accio"!. i recently thought about this myself, and if you want you can check out a question i asked, but be warned it has spoilers!. Now, to answer for your question specifically, most people believe that during the competition it would be against the rules to accio the egg, because the tasks were for mental and physical tests!. As for ron, if you remember, there were merpeople around gaurding the people!. it would have been easy for them to grab ron before he came to harry!. also (if you have seen the movie) he was tied up!. An then theres the cup!. the cup could be accioed, but it was a flub JK didn't catch!. we know it can be accioed however because in the graveyard scene he runs to cedric grabs him and then accio's the cup as to escape!. (portkey)!. hope that helped! (^-^)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would make for a pretty boring story if all he did was say "accio Ron," wouldnt it!?

For sake of a more entertaining answer, we can assume that that the dragon was blocking the egg from being summoned!. in the book the dragon didnt chase Harry all around the hogwarts grounds, it stayed very near its nest while harry provoked it!. As soon as it left its nest was when harry nabbed the golden egg!. Summoning the egg would have only bounced it off the dragons belly and back into the nest!.

In the second test, harry didnt know what the stolen item (or person) was!. For the summoning charm to work, the caster needs to have a very clear mental image of what they are summoning!. Im also not sure if it's possible to summon a person with the accio charm!.

in the third test, i think they were also unaware of exactly what lay in the middle of the maze, simply that they needed to get there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is true he probaly coudnt have summoned the egg because the dragon would have stopped it from getting to him by simply blocking it then roasting harry ron was tied down with those vine things and the cup was probaly bolted there and even if it wasnt he probaly just didnt think of it when i say that is true i say that like i never thought of it that way im guessing he could have tried summoning the eg or the cup but not ron i dont think they had anti summoning charmsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The things you listed are all things he was expected to get!. I would imagine that they would have anti-summoning charms on them, it seems like something they would think to do!. Since no one was expecting Harry to summon his broom for the fist task, they wouldn't have thought to put the charm on it!. Just what makes sense to me based on the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I imagine that they were charmed so that the contestants couldn't do that!. The challenges were supposed to test them, mentally and physically, and to make them give it tasks there all!. The only way for them to do that is to make them actually have to face their challenges and react in the moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Agree with 1st answer!. The contest's designers would have probably thought that through and made it impossible to summon it!. If you could just summon it, it wouldn't really be must of a competition, would it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it was against the rules it was a game you do have to play by the rules sometimesWww@QuestionHome@Com