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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Down the Rabbit Hole: An Echo Falls Mystery creepy or is it good?

Question: Down the Rabbit Hole: An Echo Falls Mystery creepy or is it good!?
its something about murder right!? is it creepyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Down the Rabbit Hole is a fun mystery bursting with interesting subplots!. Somehow, the author manages to balance and develop everything, giving each storyline the attention it deserves!. Ingrid is very appealing: practical, level-headed, and a bit nerdy in an endearingly smart way!. The vocabulary and complex storylines put the novel on the borderline between “older kid” and “young adult!.”Www@QuestionHome@Com

even though i thought it was going to be dumb a mystery about a girl and im a guy it was actually really good i mean u think it will be creepy its like a funny book that slowly leads up to the solving of the mystery i would also reomen the second echofalls mystery behind the curtain and the sammy keyes booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is actually pretty good!. I thought it would be creepy but after a friend reccomended it, I decided to give it a try, and i was satisfied!. Good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com