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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm writing a fantasy book and I'm afraid that one character is too much

Question: I'm writing a fantasy book and I'm afraid that one character is too much like Frodo!!?
I didn't realize it until just now!. Of all the characters I could accidentally copy, it would have to be Frodo!. They're both protagonists and seem to have similarities!. I haven't read LotR (yes we're talking about the written version) for a long time, which is why I didn't think of it and why I need your help describing his character!. I don't care what he looks like!. I'm talking about characteristics!. An in-depth character analysis would be great!. You could also just list character traits or emotions that seem to be dominant in the story!. I need to make sure the characters aren't too similar!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, I will try that!.!. really hard, b/c Frodo is not one of my favorites!.!.
So, I think that Frodo is a person who seems to like to stay at home and have an everyday life, but inside of him, he knows he wants more out of life, more action, more things to happen!. And this comes with the journey to destroy the Ring!. But this journey also lets him realize that adventures are not always fun and that there is evil out in the world and he is afraid of that and I think even a little bit sad about it!. At the end, he has grown in wisedom but has lost some of his inner strength!.
Frodo is a very, very loyal character, which sadly, this picture is destroyed in the movie when he actually pushes Sam away and makes him leave!.!. But I think Frodo stays with the people he likes and is able to die for them!. He also is a bit protective!.

So thats my opinion on how Frodo is, anything else =)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Useless answer, but it would've been much simpler if you just point out your character a little bit and someone could directly comment, versus having to offer a long-winded answer!.

Was the Wikipedia article completely useless!?
I don't know much about Frodo myself, owning the books but never bothering to pick them up ^-^;

But if you just want information on him versus comparing your character to him, wouldn't Google be your best friend~!?

Good luck~!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe you should do a Tarot reading on the character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just change the nameWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you think your characters are too similar, they are!. I think you are looking for lists of characteristics to justify that your character is slightly different!. Why not just give him at least one "anti-Frodo" characteristic!. Just make sure its a major one and one you think Frodo would definitely not have!.

As writers, we write what we know!. You KNOW fantasy!. You KNOW Frodo!. My first book had major characters with startling similarities to my favorite author at the time, who I was trying to emulate!. My editor caught it right away and I tried to say, "NO WAY, but then I re-read it and realized that indeed, they were similar!. It isnt hard to change simple characteristics of your characters!. Just make sure you don't change anything that is necessary to the storyline, or you'll be in for major re-writes and editing!.

Hope I could help!


First of all, remember that the hero archetype is pretty common in fantasy, so bigger characteristics like being orphaned at a young age, living with a relative, being destined for something special but not knowing it, are all common to LotR, Star Wars, Beowulf, Harry Potter, Eragon, a few mythical deities, and more!.!.!. it's nothing new, and it's worked for thousands of years, and it's at the heart of stories from cultures all around the world, so why drop something that's been proven to appeal to basically all fo humanity!?

Anyways, back to Frodo!. Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind is his reluctance to be great or famous, and how that conflicts with his simple desire to do what's right (ie, when he offers to take the ring to Mordor, he does it because he knows it's what has to be done, but he doesn't want it to be about him after everything's said and done)!. He also is more educated than most of the other hobbits, quieter, thinner, and in general less hobbit-like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com