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Question: Readers of the host!.!.!.!?
LOVED the book!. However, I kinda want to know what actors would be good playing the characters if there were a movie!. I've already heard for Wanda one fanclub liked Alison Michaka and Hayden Penetiere and those are both crap!. Anyone thinking of anything else!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If Kyle XY plays Ian and Hayden Penetiere is in the movie, I would boycott it!.

I think Stephenie wanted Matt Damon for Jared, and Ben Affleck and Casey Affleck for Ian and his brother!. Personally I don't like any of those and would want new up and coming actors in the movieWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure about Wanda!.!.I've been thinking that one over, but so far have come up blank!.!.However, Alison Michalka would be my coice over Hayden, if it had to come down to those two!.

For Ian, my number one choice would be Matt Dallas!. Look him up! He fits the description fairly well; fair skin, black hair, and though he doesn't have blue eyes, there are always cotacts for that!. He played Kyle in Kyle XY (where he had blue eyes, if you've ever seen that show) and he's perfect for the role!. He's gorgeous and has a naturally kind look!. However, I haven't come up with anyone who looks similar, for the part of Kyle!.!.!.

I'm a little obsessive over Ian!.


For Jared, I thought of Tom Welling!. He's gorgeous also, and fits the description; tanned skin, brown hair and eyes, full lips!.

I'll have to come up with more, but that's all I have for now :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg for wand i think Laura Vandervoort should do it!.
she makes a good Wanda!. well i think she s perfect for it what do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com