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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How would you destroy -A corrupt leader and an extremely powerful terrorist with

Question: How would you destroy -A corrupt leader and an extremely powerful terrorist without killing either !?
Need a climax to my story where the powerful leader who is corrupt but adored by his people teams up with an old time partner- now one of the most powerful terrorist in the country- who is like a robin hood at times and an Osama at others!.!. An honest cop has to bring them down without the support of his system- so how should he best do it !? ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Everybody has weaknesses, both physical and emotional!. Physically, you may have weak ankles!. Emotionally, you may have a fear of being, for example, unsuccessful!. Find your character's inner weakness, and exploit it!. Maybe they are very successful and are afraid of losing their empire, well, do just that to them!. If you let fear consume them, than you will not destroy them, at least not by death!.!.!.!.!.

They discover that they are gay and fall in love with each other!. Love redeems the corruption of the leader and softens the emotions of the terrorist so that he is no longer a threat!. When the honest cop arrives, he finds them holding hands and watching _Oprah_ in their underground apartment!.

He sees then that the police department has been in error in its homophobia and although moved by their deep affection for each other he follows the law and brings them downtown to the jail, where they are married in a same-sex prison ceremony staged with the permission of the reformed department!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well first off, I need to take some other things in to account!. Will this cop be fighting these guys until they are weakened or unconscious and have them arrested, thus saving the day!? Or is this more a battle of wits, like perhaps the cop exposes these criminals for what they really are!. also what country is this story taking place in!? Is the leader like a political leader that was elected into office!? also what nationality is the terrorist!?

Is this more of an action story that is adrenaline filled or more of a drama-y story!? Like do you want the ending to make you go "Holy Crap!" or just make you kind of think!? You know, will the hero be more of a John McClane, or just a smart cop!.

also, what do you mean by the support of his system!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

He drugs them and sends them to a deserted island!. They live like Robinson Crusoe until natives find them and immerse them into the tribal culture!.Www@QuestionHome@Com