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Question: Which book should i write first!?
i am in the process of writing two books!.
i have all my notes in order for both, now i just don't know which one to focus more on!.
i am really into these two subjects so i started writing both but it has been difficult to do research, type, compile, organize, brainstorm, etc!. for two books!.

Book One: about survivalism, disaster planning, emergency planning, self-sufficiency, preparation, etc!. a complete survival guide!.

Book Two: a complete Salem, MA book!.
the only book you will ever need to read to know everything about Salem inluding full history, travel guide, historical sites, etc!.

Which one would be more marketable!?
Which one would you rather read about!?

opinions!? (and don't say neither!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go with book one!. Salem is changing so fast these days by the time your book comes out it will be outdated!. Survival info is timeless and has a broader audience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In all honesty I would pick up both of these books!. They both sound very interesting and I love educational pleasure reading!.

But if I had to choose which one to read first it would be Book One!.

Good luck and go for it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say Book One would be more marketable after 9/11 and that article in Time Magazine about disasters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Book 2 for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Survival books, 'a complete!.!.!. guide,' have always been very marketable!. I'm sure you're aware of the "Worst-Case Scenario" books, still popular and going strong!.
Those are books that not only have a sense of humor but also a bite, since the scenarios they present can and do happen!.

In this day and age, around the world, people want to know about survivalism, disaster and emergency planning, and especially self-sufficiency!.
The 'green scene' is soaring in popularity, in marketability, and that is what I assume you're writing and what I think will prove more marketable!.
I only hope you have some credentials (at least some kind of life experience with emergencies and self-sufficiency) to back up your writing on these subjects as they aren't ones to write about too lightly or with scant information!.

Salem MA would love your book on their town, as would all of MA and perhaps further abroad, but this second book has a more limited appeal!.

Suggest you complete and properly begin to market 'Book One' (hopefully by getting a reputable agent to do so for you) and then continue on to 'Book Two!.'
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com