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Question: The Dream Giver or The Shack!?
which do you prefer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Dream Giver, all the way!

The first 1/2 of "The Dream Giver" starts out as a parable much like in the form of the Christian class "Pilgram's Progress"!. The second 1/2 closes with encouragements and practical applications to live out the dream that God has for you!.

Some of the points covered in the book include:

1!. Giants of opposition you will face in wanting pursue your dream!.
2!. How to deal with those giants of opposition!.
3!. How times of opposition can strengthen and encourage you to live out your dream!.
4!. The importance of being around people who can help you pursue your dream!.
5!. Encouragement to obey and trust God instead of yourself and others and do not let fear keep you from pursuing your dream!.

The next to last chapter lists questions from acual people who want to pursue their dream but are unsure as to how to best pursue it!. Wilkinson addresses the quesions in a practical and easy-to-understand manner!.

I highly recommend the Dream Giver to anyone who is tired of living the status quo and is wanting to step out and try something new in God's power and strength!.

I read the shack and I didn't really care for it!.!.!. Although I was captured by the story and my heart was touched many times by certain aspects of how God's love for us was described, I am VERY concerned by the "new age" "universalist" twist it takes!.

There are multiple referrences by the author inferring that if the reader does not agree with the author's unfounded theology, he or she has a religious, Pharisaical mindset!. I just don't think that's true--but that's just my opinion!.

Happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com