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Question: Is Go Ask Alice a really good book!?
Everyone seems to like it, is it worth getting!?!? What about The Kite Runner!? I've seen that around a lot!.

Any other book recommendations!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go Ask Alice is great! My mom gave it to me back in high school when I was trying out LSD (I guess she could tell)!. It was a really great book, really changed the way I felt about some things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just recommended this book to a lot of people!.

That book was being passed around my whole family and school!. It is a great book and will make you see drugs in a whole different way!. Not only is it supposed to be based on a true story about a girl's life but it shows what girls here age go through!. A very touching story and it made me cry also!.

A Child Called It was another good book like Go Ask Alice!.

If you want a great series to get stuck on Club Vampyre by Laurell K!. Hamilton is great!. It has many different feelings trapped within the pages!. All genres are put into it too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go ask alice is very good book, but i think its the only good book out of those stories by Anonymous !.!.!.!.

GO ASk Alice is probably the only book worth reading in that whole series !.!.!.

DO NOT read it happend to NAcy or Jays Journal its pure crap!!

i personally think that if u like those kinds of novels u should check out Chuck Palanuik ( not spelled right) he is the author of Fight Club and he has AWESOME books on like those twisted things!.

books he wrote that are worth reading: Fight Club, lullaby, Choke, And Invisible Monsters
definitly check him out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally just picked up this book earlier at the library and I'm almost done with it!. It's a GREAT book, it's worth to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a very deep book
iloevd it ot actually made me cry

you HAVE to read itt!. it will change the way you look at lots of thingsWww@QuestionHome@Com