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Question: The other Bolyn girl!.!?
I know the movie was based on the book, but was that based on true events!? like did that really happen years ago with the Bolyn sisters!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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One correction to Julie: Jane Seymour was NOT beheaded!. She died after giving birth to Henry VIII's son, who became Edward VI!. The second queen beheaded was Catherine Howard, also for treason!.

Some of The Other Boleyn Girl was historically accurate, but "poetic license" was taken!.

For instance, historians don't necessarily agree that Anne was the elder of the two!. There is speculation because one of Mary's children inherited property that would only go to the elder child - or, in this case, to the elder child's eldest son!. Had Anne been older, so those who believe Mary to have been older argue, Queen Elizabeth should have gained the property!.

Mary Boleyn was just one of many mistresses that Henry VIII had!. Mary had already been cast aside when Henry turned his attentions to Anne!. Anne was, in fact, very clever and witty, but there is no indication that she "stole" Henry from Mary!.

Anne did refuse to become Henry VIII's mistress!. It wasn't Mary that won the family favor from Henry, but Anne!. Henry made her father a Viscount, trying to win Anne over!.

BTW: There isn't actually proof that Mary gave Henry VIII one or more children (she had a son and a daughter)!. That's also more like rumor!. However, it seems possible that at least her son was his son!.

Anne did NOT ever think to try to have a baby with her brother!. This was a plot cooked up between Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell!. Henry had already gotten tired of Anne - especially considering she gave him only one daughter and two stillborns - and had already taken Jane Seymour as his mistress!. He wanted Anne out of the way so he could marry Jane!. I believe the plot involved both her brother and another three men!. The men were tortured, inquisition like, untill they confessed to whatever their torturers required of them!. Henry had tried to throw in a witch rumor about Anne, but apparently that one didn't fly!. However Anne and the four men were all executed for treason (adultery against the king was considered treason and incest was even worse)!.

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There are MANY more sites to check, but these may help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was based on true events but the whole story is obviously not true, she was only one of many of king Henry's wives who became queen after he had left the pope to form is own religion so he could divorce the current queen but was beheaded because of speculated charges of adultery, incest and high treason!. King Henry remarried Jane Seymour who was also beheaded!. Boleyn's daughter did become the queen of England after king died who was queen Elizabeth but other everything else is probably made up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The beheading of Anne Boleyn is very true - she was Queen Elizabeth I's mother, and she was Henry VIII's second (out of six) wives!.

Mary Boleyn, on the other hand, while a real person, was not the sweet and innocent character she was made out to be!. She was by and large considered to be a whore, and she didn't bear Henry VIII any children!.

Anne lived in France for years while she was a child and a teenager, which is only depicted in the movie for a very brief moment!. If you want more information, I'd definitely suggest doing a little research on Anne, even if it's just reading her biography!. She is a very polarizing historical figure!. She is the reason the Church of England exists (Henry VIII's break with the Roman Catholic Church in order to divorce his first wife), and many consider her to be a witch!. But she's extremely interesting, even without fictional embellishment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I do belive that the novel The Other Boylen Girl was based on true events!. The author Phillpa Greggory did extensive research when composing the novel!.She tried keeping the plot as true to history as possible; while still creating a historical fiction piece!. Her sources are listed at the end of the book; but if you have any question on the Bolyns here a helpful link:
I hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to try and answer your question!. The title sounds familiar though I am not sure what it is about!. Mind giving details!?Www@QuestionHome@Com