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Question: Story needs help!!!!?
I need a name for the main antagonist in my story!. I don't want it to sound evil, just powerful!. He is a king of sorts!. I want to be able to pronounce it, and it'd be nice if it sounded cool!. To give you an idea, my rejects were all things like Vail!. Yeah, I know it sucks!. Please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
umm!.!.!. in my novel, one of the antagonist's names is Kristov!.!.!.just made it up on the spot!.!.!. and the main antagonist is called 'Caedes'!.!.!.its latin and presumably pronounced 'KAY-uh-DEES'!.!.!. hope i helped!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

