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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is anyone willing to coauthor wih me in my first novle?

Question: Is anyone willing to coauthor wih me in my first novle!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you had correctly spelled 'co-author', 'with', and 'novel', your question might've generated some more attention!.
What is your novel about!? What are your strong points!? What are the points you want your co-author to cover!?
Do you want to co-author a book because you feel you haven't developed sufficient skills to do it yourself!? Maybe starting out with drabbles/fanfictions/short stories might be a better option!?

Anyways, I could be able to help you out whenever I have the time!. I am rather busy writing my own stuff while juggling high school (yikes!), but I could give you some helpful pointers and such!.

Good luck~!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That depends on a lot of things!.!.!.first of all, what is your novel about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com