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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you PRETTY PLEASE assist me? I REALLY BADLY NEED HELP. THANKS A LOT! ten poi

Question: Can you PRETTY PLEASE assist me!? I REALLY BADLY NEED HELP!. THANKS A LOT! ten points to most helpful!!!?
Hello all! I'm graduating from high school next month and did terribly bad in English 12 during school, so I took it online!. I took English 12 summer session online through a home learner's program!. It's VERY difficult!. I have to finish 3 modules by Monday and let me tell you one thing; it isn't as easy as it might sound!. The modules are jam-packed with a million questions and essays!. So, I was wondering if any of you can please edit my essay!. I produce very well written essays, so I know for a fact that there aren't any errors, but just for the reassurance please look over it!. If you're willing to help, please get back to me ASAP! I need to hand this in by tomorrow, so only help if you're serious about wanting to help!. Anyways, you can either leave your email for me to email you my essay or if you don't feel comfortable doing so, just email me your email address at: stephanierocksforlife@yahoo!.ca!. PLEASE EMAIL ASAP! THANKSWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll be glad to look it over!. Are you looking for grammatical help or content help!.

after reading your question,musing over your grammar,i have come to the conclusion,you are fucckeed my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll help you!. Depends how long your essays are!.
