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Position:Home>Books & Authors> The Twilight phenomenon...any books out there like it?

Question: The Twilight phenomenon!.!.!.any books out there like it!?
Twilight, in my opinion is one of the greatest books ever, however I don't wanna just read it for the rest of my life!.!.!.I'm just curious, but is there any other books out there like it!? Ya'know that would include vampires, romance etc!. It's just I wanna start reading something new, and I'm particularily fascinated with vampires, gore, romance, death, lust etc

Help much appreciated, thankyou =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Vampire Diaries (L!.J!. Smith)- I'm currently reading them!. It has some differences from Twilight!. It is a romance, completely, but it's a bit darker!.

The Vampire Beach series (Alex Duval)- This series also has it's differences, one of them being they live in sunny california!. And this time the girl is the vampire!.

And then there's also the Vampire Kisses series (Ellen Schreiber)- I haven't read these myself; I'm going to after i finish the Diaries!. But my friend has and she says it also has it's differences and similarities!. This series's vampires are a bit more true to the legends; aka they only come out at night, their dark and mysterious, etc!. But she says there still very good!.

Anyways, hope I could help!. Lol I know exactly how you feel!. I've read them all multiple times, but then I was all!.!.!. I can't just read these forever!.!.!. lol so I looked those others up!. Well, hope you enjoy them!. They obviously aren't as amazing as the Twilight books (we've been badly spoiled after reading those things, havent we!? :P) but they're still very good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's a list of authors who write supernatural books that I believe are vastly superior to Twilight:
Kim Harrison
Kelly Armstrong
Patricia Briggs
and an author I always recommend because her Kushiel series is phenomenal: Jacqueline Carey!.

If you really want gore and sex, Laurell K Hamilton is very popular!. In my opinion, only the first 4 Anita Blake novels are quality reading!. After that they are considered erotica instead of horror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's the book 'Evernight' by Claudia Gray!. It just came out last month and it has everything you listed (vampires, gore, romance, death, lust)!.

Anyway, it's really similar to 'Twilight' at first, but it has a big twist in the middle of the book that changes everything!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The host is by the same author who wrote the twilight seires its not about vampires but its good and it has a love story to it that drives the main character to do somethingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here are some books that you would love if you liked twilight/new moon/ eclipse:

Blue bloods series by melissa de la cruz
vampire kisseses series by ellen schreiber
marked by p!.c!. cast
vampire academy by IDK
blood and chocolate

hope this helps!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead is amazing!.
You should read the series, it's great :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Vampire Kisses series is amazing!. I love them!. I'm in love with Twilight too! Nothing else is quite like those two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vampire Academy
the mediatorWww@QuestionHome@Com

Use Amazon as a reference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com