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Question: What is the popular book recently!?
when you read it
why you read it
what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
twilight is really popular!
i have read the twilight series by stephenie meyer twice already!
and i didnt think i would like it cause it truthfully sounded stupid but then i read it anyway cause people were saying how good it was but when i read it i was so in love with it i could not put it down it is writen so well and the characters are so developed and really relatable!.
i liked the 2 out of 3 books in the series dont get me wrong the 2nd book was good but not nearly as good as the 1st and 3rd book!. what i didnt like about the 2nd was that it kinda boring compared to the other 2 books and it was sad and depressing i wont tell u why just in case u decide to read it!.

and aflorida is saying has been going to all twilight questions and saying bad stuff about it so dont listen to her!.
i highly recommend twilight series go to www!.stepheniemeyer!.com for more info!. i highly recommened u read this seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've finished a couple of romances that are in the NYT bestsellers list: Julia Quinn's "The Lost Duke of Wyndham" (historical romance) and Christine Warren's "Walk on the Wild side" (paranormal romance)!. I read them because both are autobuy authors for me!. I've been reading their work for years!. What I liked!? Well, in the case of Julia Quinn's the heroine I liked quite a bit, the hero was ho-hum!. In the other one, the hero is yum and the heroine was not bad!. Both authors use a touch of humor in their books and I love that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

arrghh people! read something other than twilight!? yu are living under a twilight rock!

anyway, my favourite book at the moment is The declaration

i read it, to be honest, because i liked the front cover :-s

i loved it because it made my mind go all political and think about 'what if!?!.!.!.' it was really interesting and made me think about life in general!. would you want to live forever!?


i just finished the host by stephenie meyer a few days ago!.

i read it because my friend said it was amazing and i loved the twilight series!.

i liked it because it showed so much emotion and was written from two people's views all in one!. (you'd have to read it to know what i mean lol!.) it made me think and thats why i liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight Series!!
When: Whenever I read!.
Why: To say that it's the best book ever is an understatement!!
Liked: Everything!!!romance, action, plot, characters!.
Disliked: There's too much time until next book comes out!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Afloridagal you go girl!!!

anyways the most popular book that's out recently is demon apocalypse by Darren Shan and fans can't wait for the movie as well!. he's a great writerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight and Harry Potter!. I read them both because of their popularity, and I liked them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eclipse (Twilight Series)

I read it a couple months ago
My friend started me reading them, and I got hooked
I didn't like how the ending was a cliff hanger!! It was kinda sad too!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i wish there were more Stephen King fans : -(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight personaly because i loved it and as you can tell like everyother !? on here is about it<33Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

NOT Twilight!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com