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Question: Is it possible to write a love scene with a bit detail and still be able to contain emotions within it!?
I'm a reader of fics and I have just started witing fics maybe 2 months ago!.

I've read a LOT of different fics and I want to write a love scene for a certain fic of mine!.

So, will it be possible for me to embed emotions in a love scene that has even a bit detail of the physical actions going on!?

Examples would be appreciated but not necessary!.(:

Thank you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read a fic just the other day that had a love scene that I thought was terribly creative!. It was a love scene but, it was just emotion!. It gave the scene a whole new side!. It took a second reading to piece together all of the actions and the allusions, but I felt the scene was more interesting!. There are many fics with graphic scenes; I thought this was much better to read!.

Btw, It was the 11th Chapter of Drop Dead Gorgeous By Mistful (Maya)
Warning: It's Slash, so don't read it if that isn't your cup of tea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course you can mingle emotions with physical actions, the same as you could in a scene where your characters are dancing or having a picnic!. Since this is a love scene, adding emotions is what can save it from turning into porn, making it erotica instead!.

For practice and self-instruction, write yourself some notes on two different pieces of paper!. One lists the physical actions you will incorporate, as well as any input from your point-of-view character's other senses!. This might include the setting, any dialogue, smells and tastes, etc!.

The other lists the emotions, backstory, fears, hopes, etc!.--anything people could not see if all the information from your other piece of paper were on a movie screen!.

Now write your scene using the elements from both papers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'!.!. He kissed her lips tenderly,almost dryly then stared at her for a moment!. Her eyes met his expectantly, before she curled her hand around his neck and pulled him in closer!. There was a feverish tone to their touching!. The embrace became more entwined as he willed her back onto the mattress!. An aching of unbridled passion stirred from deep within the both of them!. Hot with longing and anxious kissing, the underwear was quickly slid off!.!.' you get the gist!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

also helps
is good
makes things
more excitin'

Of course thats possible, read some example in romantic noevls to get inspriation and then get on writing yours!. Make sure its from the heart though cos the best love scenes are from the heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, this is frequently done in romance!. However, I can't give you examples of fanfic as I don't read fanfic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, i like graphic romantic scenesWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think so!.!.!. try reading more books so you will knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah u sure can
try reading mills n boons
u will find how emotion full the love scenes areWww@QuestionHome@Com