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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is it disrespectful to refer to authors by nicknames or pet names?

Question: Is it disrespectful to refer to authors by nicknames or pet names!?
I have seen people refer to William Shakespeare as "Willy Shakes" or "Billy!."

Do writers like Shakespeare deserve a little more respect from modern readers!?

I'll give you another example!.

Recently, I read a question that referred to JK Rowling as "Joe!." It's a little funny because 'Joe' is a masculine name--it should be 'Jo!.'

Still, haven't they earned the right to be addressed properly!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree -- authors deserve to be treated with respect!. I have seen people use "Jo" myself, and while I understand that it just gets tedious to keep writing "JK Rowling", it probably shouldn't be used!.

I think that people should refer to authors by their full name, only the 1st name, only the last name, or occaisionally by their initials!.

For example, "Lewis" instead of "C!.S!. Lewis" seems perfectly acceptable to me!. As does "Stephenie" instead of "Stephenie Meyer", who is being talked about so much nowadays!. "JKR" seems perfectly fine to me!.
People who do this should make sure there are no spelling mistakes, though, because it makes it a lot harder to guess!.

I think that nicknames are extremely disrespectful and should never be used in referring to an author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Respecting an author has more to do with addressing their works than addressing their names!. Approaching an author's work with an open mind, and giving enough of your time and mental effort to it -- that's respecting an author!.

People who use nicknames aren't necessarily being disrespectful -- they just make themselves look kind of hokey (really, "Willy Shakes" !?!?!?)!.

Sometimes people use pet names out of an affection for the author!. If an author reaches a reader on a personal level, if one has grown up with an author's works, and the reader feels a strong familiarity, they maybe be compelled to refer to the author on casual and affectionate terms!. I've read many books where an author will refer to another (usually older) author by a nickname ('Fedya' for Dostoevsky, etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, I think that it is disrespectful in a way, but there's probably a better word for it than that, depending on why it's done!. Some people may be too lazy to type out the entire name, and I'm okay with some shortened version!. However, it's not something that I would do!. I love Nikos Kazantzakis, and no matter how many times I refer to him by name, I will type out his entire last name!. also, I think that some people do it in order to show others that they have some level of familiarity with the author or at least his/her work!. Then, it is disrespectful and very much of a turn-off!.

If I were to meet a famous author, I would refer to them as Mr/Ms!. whatever!. Never anything else (unless asked by him/her to do so)!. And so, I do the same when I write about the authors, except I skip the formal title!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its not like they will hunt people down!. Maybe the thing about JK was just a spelling error!. People can call Shakespeare whatever they want to- its not like they're trying to be disrespectful- they probably just don't want to spell the whole name and to be funny!.

Everyone deserves the same respect!. I deserve the same respect as W!.S!., ad you, and JK, and anyone else in the world!. Just because they re authors doesn't mean we can refer to them as something other than their real name if we are just askig a question to others or on Yahoo Answers!.

I wouldn't freak out about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, JK Rowling jokingly told anyone in Gryffindor to call her Jo!. So I suppose she doesn't mind!. But I'm in Hufflepuff, so I still have to call her JK Rowling!. :p

I don't necessarily find it disrespectful - especially when they give you their permission - but it looks kind of ignorant and unprofessional!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I use the full names of authors!. In my reviews, I use the full name on first mentioning him/her and after that is either Mr!. or Ms!. <surname of author> I would treat anyone that I don't personally know or am acquainted with with the same consideration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, as long as the nickname isn't intended to be rude or insulting, I don't think it's all that bad!. I usually don't do it myself, though, unless the author told the fans that it was okay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!. I would not say the authors have "earned the right" to be addressed properly!. It just shows a lack of culture, sophistication and maturity of individuals who use these labels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com